Peace in, Peace out

As challenging as 2020 has been, it is also in our nature to look for silver linings in the dark clouds.One in particular stands out to me: the need, and ability, to find ways to be present. To appreciate the moment we are in, without feeling the constant need to wish it away.That’s not to say it has always been easy! How fortunate are we, as yoga practitioners and teachers, to have tools to help us calm the chatter of the mind, channel our energy, and practice being present? Staying connected in our community – even virtually – means we may even remember to use these tools when we need them!As we move into 2021, let us remember that calendar years are just linear moments in time strung together. There's no guarantee of better, or worse, times ahead immediately just because it is 2021. The moments are the moments.We do not necessarily need to leave behind all the 2020 was; it held lessons, opportunities for growth, and perhaps even moments of joy for some of us. But, nor do we need to stay stuck in those moments, giving them too much power over us.If you’d like, please join me in setting an intention to continue working to be present, even if things start to look a bit more like we are used to? Maybe the “new normal” can be a world that is a bit more familiar than these last 10 months have been, but where we can appreciate each moment we are in just a little more that we used to, because we had the opportunity to learn how important being present really is.Wishing you and yours a joyous and peaceful 2021!Jai Bhagwan!BetsyBetsy Marzahn-RamosExecutive DirectorPranakriya School of Yoga Healing Arts


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